Songs For Your Spirit Life Coaching For Your Inward Journey

A New Focus

Bring heart, body and spirit to your current situation. Clear your thoughts. Select one or more questions. Let your deep inner wisdom respond:

   A New Focus Coaching Prompts
Background photo used with permission
of photographer, Matty Wolin.
For more of Matty's amazing work,
visit Facebook/ShutterRunner

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What game is over?
What is your viewfinder?
What view is at your back?
What is your intuition's guidance?
What is coming into focus?
What clouds the lens?
What if trust wanes?
What shift enhances focus?
What vision is illuminated?
What are your eyes blind to?
What remains blurred?
What is incredible?
What is beyond your view?
What is the game changer?
What 'iew' is expanded in the view?
What intuitive hit are you blocking?
What is your new focus?