Songs For Your Spirit Life Coaching For Your Inward Journey

End-of-Year Review

The definition of year includes 12 months. While the suggestion is that January is month one and December is month twelve, consider:

  • Does your personal cycle have 12 months? More? Less?
  • Does your personal cycle begin with January and end with December?
  • As I write today, it is December 1, 2016. My personal year runs from March through February so I'll not be completing my EOY review this month. I am continuing with my March 1, 2016 commitment: The year my wings spread wider and I am lifted higher - and carry US forward for the sake of healing, growth, essence revealed, consciousness evolving and love. As the next step on my 2016-17 journey, I am entering December open. I am open to what is happening in the world around me and to discerning my response. I am open to wider vision and more spaciousness. I am open to being love.

    If now, December, is your time to do an annual review, then mark your calendar for a minimum of two hours, maximum of 4-8 or maybe an entire weekend to do your personal year-end, year-begin process.

    Why do a year-end review?

    Step One: What is present now?

    Step Two: How did you get here?

    Step Three: What will be different?

    Step Four: Get clarity on the year ahead

    Step Five: Enhance your support system for the year ahead