Songs For Your Spirit Life Coaching For Your Inward Journey

Opening Your Presence this Holiday Season

This special holiday card is available
as a post card for your seasonal greetings.

Bring heart, body and spirit to the holiday season ahead. Clear your thoughts. Select one or more questions. Let your deep inner wisdom respond:

   Opening Your Presence Coaching Prompts     
What thoughts and feelings describe holidays past?
What is predictable for you on January 1st?
What is your vision for an ideal holiday season?
What holiday activities hold no meaning?
What is non-negotiable in your ideal holiday?
What day-to-day energy drains can stop for now?
In what ordinary situations are you 'your best self'?
What qualities do you bring when you are at your best?
Who sees your best and what would they say about you?
What daily self-care supports you in being your best self?
What triggers you to abandon your best self?
What holiday activities send your best self into hiding?
What would the ideal January 1st be?
What positive affirmations will guide you?
What power do you have in support from others?
What are you grateful for?