Songs For Your Spirit Life Coaching For Your Inward Journey


Bring heart, body and spirit to your current situation. Clear your thoughts. Select one or more questions. Let your deep inner wisdom respond:

   Persevere Coaching Prompts
Background photo used
with permission of photographer,
Nancy Steinike, Appleton, Wisconsin.

What motivates?
What skills do you possess?
What courage is lacking?
What catastrophes do you avert?
What if you didn't?
What results keep you in the game?
In what ways are you the lone branch?
What strengthens your roots?
What rapids are you navigating?
What distracts your focus?
What is too violent?
What is just noise?
What is worth the fight?
What if you rolled with the punches?
What rocks are being smoothed?
What courage have you built?
What if persevering was the only option?