Songs For Your Spirit Life Coaching For Your Inward Journey

Survival Guide

Bring heart, body and spirit to your current situation. Clear your thoughts. Select one or more questions. Let your deep inner wisdom respond:

   Survival Guide Coaching Prompts
Background photo used with permission
of photographer, Matty Wolin.
For more of Matty's amazing work,
visit Facebook/ShutterRunner
What bad dream wakens you?
What daydream keeps you awake?
What does a full breath feel like?
What is left after a total exhale?
What rests at the bottom?
What keeps you from meditation?
What if you never relax?
What needs renewal?
What guidance are you ready to hear?
What summit are you striving for?
What will breathing feel like at the top?
What darkness blocks the way?
What is survival worth?
What is beyond survival?