Songs For Your Spirit Life Coaching For Your Inward Journey

Are you ready to move through this:

to this:

Soul Spa with Jeanne

Close your eyes and breathe with me. When was the last time you nurtured you and only you? When was the last time you stepped out of the daily happenings of life to pay attention to your heart and soul, the essence of who you are as a precious, sometimes fragile, sometimes emotional, spiritually alive woman? When was the last time you received undivided attention from anyone, especially a wise and soulful woman whose mission is to restore the soul of humanity in service of conscious, spiritual evolution?

During your Soul Spa know this:

Your life - deep, expansive, intentional, true

is my passion.

Wholeness of body, mind, spirit, emotion for you and from me

is my promise.

Unwavering belief in you

is my gift.

Your Soul Spa is two days with me in the privacy of my home where you settle in, set an intention, and then honor your spirit, your body, your emotional landscape, YOU. It is a personal retreat experience that we create together in service of what you most desire, what you want to focus on, how you want to be on the other side of the experience. During your stay, you will spend up to five hours each day with me in activities of your choosing and the remainder of the time discerning and experimenting with ways of honoring yourself: journaling, nourishment, creativity, sleep, physical movement.

What will you focus on?

Options for what we may do together:

Resources available during your stay:

My intention while you are here:

How will you prepare?

What is your investment?

Contact Me!