Songs For Your Spirit Life Coaching For Your Inward Journey
Songs For Your Spirit Life Coaching For Your Inward Journey
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Words and music by Jeanne Loehnis
Copyright 2003  Jeanne Loehnis  Appleton, Wisconsin

We all know that Spirit walks the Earth 
as people like you and me. 
Each of us expressing as God's Love 
as we create abundantly. 

Release the imprisoned splendor that's hiding inside of you. 
Go within to your sacred center and discover your hidden Truth! 
As you joyfully feel your surrender to the Spirit that is your Light, 
follow your heart: let Spirit as you shine bright.

Deep within I know we are one with God: 
the Master Mind of planet Earth. 
We've a passion burning that's ours to share. 
It's time for our creative birth! 

Release the imprisoned splendor: the essence within your soul. 
Just give birth to this inner defender; keep an eye on your dreams and goals. 
As you travel the road together with sweet Spirit now as your Guide 
give to the world your gifts. You've nothing to hide.