Songs For Your Spirit Life Coaching For Your Inward Journey
Songs For Your Spirit Life Coaching For Your Inward Journey
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Universal Energy

It's all waiting for me:
everything that I am to do and to be!
Even when I cannot see 
the pavement right in front of me!

I can run with this gift of life:
let it do its awesome work through me!
Or run away and try to hide:
but pure Love will always find me!

It's Universal Energy!
Universal Energy:
ever present, always free
this Universal Energy!

And Love's waiting for you.
Love will show you everything you can do!
Open wide your eyes right now
for Spirit's gonna' show you how!

You can sing and dance and you can play
and enjoy the gifts of every day.
Go ahead and dare to dream:
it's easier than it may seem!

With Universal Energy!
Universal Energy:
ever present, always free
this Universal Energy!

Yes life's waiting for us.
Ready anytime that we dare to trust.
Simply put, it's time to fly!
Stop waiting for the answer to "How?" and "Why?"

Universal Energy!
Universal Energy:
ever present, always free
this Universal Energy!