Songs For Your Spirit Life Coaching For Your Inward Journey
Songs For Your Spirit Life Coaching For Your Inward Journey
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Unwrap Your Inner Joy

Look no further than your heart
for the joy of Christmas morning,
for that glorious inner feeling
of the Christ within you now.

Look within to know the Presence,
not without to see the presents.
Deep inside you are the essence
of the Christ child and God's Love.

    This Christmas morning
    unwrap life's greatest gift.
    This Christmas morning
    find never ending bliss.

        Unwrap your inner joy.
        Unwrap your inner joy!

            Turn to the One living in you.
            Spirit of Love brings joy ever true. 

Glorious Spirit now I see!
It's Your joy that moves within me
as I willingly assume Thee
as the Guide which lights my way.

It's a gift that's never ending:
all this joy that I am sending.
And all people who are tending 
to the Christ receive it now!

    This Christmas morning
    unwrap life's greatest gift.
    This Christmas morning
    find never ending bliss.

        Unwrap your inner joy.
        Unwrap your inner joy!

            Turn to the One living in you.
            Spirit of Love brings joy ever true. 

        So unwrap your inner joy.
        Unwrap your inner joy!
        Unwrap your inner joy,
        deep and abiding joy!

            Unwrap your joy!
            Unwrap your joy!