Songs For Your Spirit Life Coaching For Your Inward Journey
Songs For Your Spirit Life Coaching For Your Inward Journey
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Words and music by Jeanne Loehnis
Copyright 2003  Jeanne Loehnis  Appleton, Wisconsin

Everywhere I go, and, everywhere I am, my God resides.
Everyone I meet, each person on the street, has God inside.
On this journey forward, from where ‘ere we are to where we aim to be:
Spirit is before us. We’re one with God eternally.

Everything I do, and every act I make, God is with me.
Never on my own ‘cause Spirit is my strength. Yes, I am “We”.
Following God’s lead, I joyfully concede, and live as I am led.
Life is ever richer, when with sweet Spirit I am fed.

Every time I pray, no matter what I say, God hears my call.
I can ask for help, for me or someone else, and we’ll not fall.  
Always when I’m through, I listen for the clue, the answer to my need!
Grateful for the guidance, God’s message I will always heed.