Songs For Your Spirit Life Coaching For Your Inward Journey
Songs For Your Spirit Life Coaching For Your Inward Journey
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Give It Your Best Shot!

(Scroll down for Give It Your Best Shot - Coaching Style!)

Everyone’s a child in this game called life.
And lessons in abundance will unfold.
Each day offers yet another clean white slate
And ours the story to be told.

	Give it your best shot, Spirit child!
	In everything you do today!
	Give it your best shot, Spirit child!
	I’m right here lighting your way.

Even when we feel afraid or lost at sea
and when we’ve run away and tried to hide:
never on our own without a helping hand
for Spirit’s always at our side. 

We’ve got this precious life to live, one blessed chance,
and many rich love stories ours to tell.
Yet sometimes we forget that it’s a sacred dance:
In partnership with Spirit all is well.

We’ll find we’re up against a wall and stuck at times.
We’ve strayed for we have taken a wrong turn.
Returning to the sacred dance we step in line
And trust the way we’ll soon discern.

Never need we feel alone, without a prayer.
Sweet Spirit’s always ready to assist. 
In any moment, every moment turn within
and Spirit’s guidance we’ll enlist.

Give It Your Best Shot - Coaching Style!

Everyone's a child in this game called life.
And lessons in abundance will unfold.
Each day offers yet another clean, blank slate
and you have dreams that must be told!

	Give it your best shot, client dear,
	in everything you do today!
	Give it your best shot, client dear.
	Your coach is holding your Big A!

Even when you feel afraid or lost at sea
and when you're hiding deep behind your block...
just call your coach and ask her for the magic key:
the one that surely will unlock!

	(repeat refrain)

You've got this precious life to live, one blessed chance:
yet many boring stories you will tell!
Your coach is sure to bottom line and to intrude
for he ain't buying your hard sell!

	(repeat refrain)

You'll find your up against a wall and stuck at times.
You've strayed for you have taken a wrong turn.
Returning to the coaching dance you step in line
and trust the way you'll soon discern.

	(repeat refrain)

Never need you feel alone, directionless,
for coaching guidance does persist!
In any moment, every moment turn within -
your inner wisdom you'll enlist!

	(repeat refrain)