Songs For Your Spirit Life Coaching For Your Inward Journey
Songs For Your Spirit Life Coaching For Your Inward Journey
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Words and music by Jeanne Loehnis
Copyright 2003  Jeanne Loehnis  Appleton, Wisconsin

I have a smile on my face for you this day.   
My smile reflects God’s grace to light your way.
God lives in me so I can spread sweet Love
To all God’s people I chance to meet. 
I hold a dream in my heart that all might share
The blessing of God’s sweet peace so calm and fair.	
Peace that begins within each heart and soul.
Guiding our footsteps in all we do.

I hold a vision clear for all to see
A vision of life and opportunity!
A world where each person blooms in full array!
Sharing the talents God gives to all.

I hold a place in my heart for you this day
If you should need a friend just come my way
Connected in Spirit we are stronger now!
Separate but One, together in Love.

I say a prayer each day that you will know
Your life is blessed and God in you does grow.
Called by this Love, God’s Light in you does shine!
May you reflect the beauty of God.