Songs For Your Spirit Life Coaching For Your Inward Journey
Songs For Your Spirit Life Coaching For Your Inward Journey
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Don't wait another minute.
Let your child come out today.
Open wide the door to where she hides:
Let your Spirit play!

	Awaken the child in you!
	And let all her dreams come true!
	Awaken the child! 
	Awaken your child!

		As a toddler you were bold,
		life's adventures you'd unfold.
		Fear was not a skill perfected.
		'Twas excitement you expected!

	Awaken the child in you!
	And let all her dreams come true!
	Awaken the child! 
	Awaken your child!

		Life was sweet and filled with action:
		Ever playing, having fun!
		Never pause or reservation:
		Always "Yes!" No hesitation!

	Awaken the child in you!
	And let all her dreams come true!
	Awaken the child! 
	Awaken your child!

		Awaken your child ...
		Awaken your child!