Songs For Your Spirit Life Coaching For Your Inward Journey


Bring heart, body and spirit to your current situation. Clear your thoughts. Select one or more questions. Let your deep inner wisdom respond:

   Wings Coaching Prompts
Background photo used with permission
of photographer, Matty Wolin.
For more of Matty's amazing work,
visit Facebook/ShutterRunner

What is the call of the wild?
What calls to you?
What if you snuff it out?
What captivates your spirit?
What keeps you grounded?
What uplifts your wings?
What are you reaching for?
What call is getting louder?
What clouds the view?
What brightens the way?
What gets left behind?
What others want your company?
What strengthens your wings?
What if we fly away together?
What if we don't?
What roots prevent flight?