Songs For Your Spirit Life Coaching For Your Inward Journey
Songs For Your Spirit Life Coaching For Your Inward Journey
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Words and music by Jeanne Loehnis
Copyright 2006  Jeanne Loehnis  Appleton, Wisconsin

Every day is another day to waken to all that I can be!
Every day is another day to use the talents God gave to me.

Every day is another day to pause as needed with God in prayer.
Every day is another day to know that God’s with me everywhere.

Every day is another day to reconnect with all I’ve been taught.
Every day is another day to live the message and walk the talk.

Every day is another day to choose with care just what I will do.
Every day is another day to keep each promise I make to you.

Every day is another day to do what's next on this journey mine!
Every day is another day to keep on livin’ this life so fine!